Photobiomodulation: What Is It?

Photobiomodulation is a mouthful and handful when trying to type it in a blog post a bunch of times.

Even though it is a mouthful the word itself gives us some idea of what it is. Photo, meaning light, bio, meaning our body, and modulation, meaning to change or modulate.

Photobiomodulation is essentially using light to change the biological process of our cells.

In nature photo biology works on the principle that light affects particular cells called chromophores.

When energy from light hits these chromophores electrons within the cell jump from a low level of excitement to a high level of excitement. This high level of excitement is now potentially energy that the cell can use to do certain tasks.

A classic example of chromophores in action is the process of photosynthesis in plants.

Like plants, we also have chromophores in our bodies. Of particular interest are the chromophores found within the mitochondria of our cells.

Mitochondria have long been thought of as the “powerhouse” of the cell and responsible for creating the energy necessary for cellular activity.

When chromophores are activated within the mitochondria it can produce more energy for our cells to do work. We want our cells working and this can have some pretty positive effects on the human body.

How Can Photobiomodulation Help Recovery

There has been tons of research on photobiomodulation across many fields from neurology to regenerative medicine and endocrinology. The majority of the research has been positive and has shown a myriad of potential benefits from photobiomodulation.

Research suggests that when mitochondria in our body are exposed to red and near infrared light that they respond with an increase in cellular activity.

This increase in cellular activity has been shown to stimulate muscle and tendon healing, stimulate collagen growth and repair, prevent cellular death, reduce inflammation, and repair nerves.

How We Think Photobiomodulation Fits Into Our Practice

First and foremost we believe that finding the root cause of pain and dysfunction is paramount. If the root cause is not identified pain and dysfunction will continue.

The root cause may be from the painful area itself or from a more distant area. That’s why we evaluate and re-evaluate in such detailed manners.

Once the root cause has been identified and we have established a plan of care we see photobiomodulation as a tool to enhance the speed and effectiveness of recovery, if necessary.

GOfit Physical Therapy now offers treatment with a photobiomodulation device that emits both red and near infrared light. This means we are now able to improve patients’ recovery on the cellular level!

It may be incorporated into treatment sessions as long as it fits with a patient’s presentation and treatment plan.


Hashmi JT, Huang YY, Osmani BZ, Sharma SK, Naeser MA, Hamblin MR. Role of low-level laser therapy in neurorehabilitation. PM R. 2010;2(12 Suppl 2):S292-S305. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2010.10.013

Huang YY, Gupta A, Vecchio D, et al. Transcranial low level laser (light) therapy for traumatic brain injury. J Biophotonics. 2012;5(11-12):827-837. doi:10.1002/jbio.201200077

Nascimento LDES, Nascimento KFES, Pessoa DR, Nicolau RA. Effects of Therapy with Light Emitting Diode (LED) in the Calcaneal Tendon Lesions of Rats: A Literature Review. ScientificWorldJournal. 2019;2019:6043019. Published 2019 Feb 3. doi:10.1155/2019/6043019

Heiskanen V, Hamblin MR. Photobiomodulation: lasers vs. light emitting diodes? [published correction appears in Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2018 Oct 31;18(1):259-259]. Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2018;17(8):1003-1017. doi:10.1039/c8pp90049c